Silver Meteor Referred Trip

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Sep 15, 2017
A colleague of mine at work was asking me about train travel. Their parents don’t fly and were looking to try it as a way to avoid driving to Florida. So I told them about the room options and they opted to book bedrooms. While their trip did get off to a rocky (literally) start when idiots intentionally pushed boulders in front of the train in Maryland, overall they really enjoyed the experienced and were particularly complementary towards the traditional dining food service and on board crew. It seems Amtrak handled the delay well, evacuating the passengers on a regional to Washington due to lack of HEP while they inspected the train and waited for a replacement ACS64 engine. A catered buffet dinner was then provided at Washington for the affected passengers while they waited for the train to eventually catch up and pick them up (they were unsure if it was for just sleeper passengers or if it was for everyone but still a nice gesture.) Ultimately they got into Orlando 4 hours late the next day. They liked everything else about the trip. They met people on board as well that they liked and all and all it worked out well. Figured I’d pass on a positive experience.